Friday, October 21, 2016

A Little PSA (I'm going on hiatus)!

Hi, everyone! 

So, I’ve come to a decision. I’m going to be momentarily suspending my blog until my book is done. I feel as though the original purpose of this blog has kind of disappeared, so I want to refocus this blog on my book. But I have to finish writing it first! Once I’ve written “The End” at the bottom of my book, I’ll continue blogging away, but this time about things in my book. I originally created this blog to market my book, but with no finished book, it’s a little hard to do so. By suspending my blog temporarily, I’ll be able to focus more on finishing writing. Thank you to everyone who’s followed and read my blog posts thus far! And definitely keep an eye out for new posts!

Until next time!

-Emiliana Maye 

Friday, October 14, 2016

A Little Life Update!

I am writing this in the cutest coffee shop I’ve ever been in ever. It’s a little shop in Brown County, and I am currently drinking Butterbeer. You could say I’m pretty much in Heaven right now.

Anyway, I thought I’d just give you guys an update on what’s been going on with me! Remember when I said I was almost done with my book? Yeah…I overlooked a HUGE part of my book and am frantically researching how to fix this humongous plot hole. Agghh, it’s so stressful! After I overcome this little snag, I’ll be back! Hopefully, I won’t run into any other problems (who am I kidding? Of course, I will; it’s just part of writing, I’ve learned). I’ll be coming up on a year writing my book this coming December, but I’m hoping (praying!) to be finished with the first draft by then. Of course, having all these midterm exams slapping me in the face has not helped with my writing schedule. I have to face the unfortunate truth that my classes have to be priority over my book (for now, mwahaha). Luckily, I only have one exam left, and then it’s back to focusing on my book!

If any of you are aspiring or accomplished writers, I’d love to hear any advice! I kind of have no idea what I’m doing in terms of what to do after I’ve finished editing my drafts and could really use some advice. Sometimes, Google just doesn’t cut it. Especially when it comes to what publishers to pursue and how to find your genre. So, I’m very open to anything you think I should know!

I wanted to say thank you, yet again, to those who have been following and reading my blog thus far. I wish I could start writing about my book in here--I created this blog for that sole purpose--but I've told myself I can't until I finish the first draft. Too many things change, and I'd like to have the whole story written out before I write about it. So, thank you for sticking by anyway! 

That's all that's been going on with me lately! Please comment below if you have advice for me, or feel free to message me via my Facebook page.

Until next time!
-Emiliana Maye 

Friday, October 7, 2016

5 DIY Halloween Costumes

It’s finally October! Which I automatically associate with carving pumpkins, eating candy corn, and starting to plan out my Halloween costumes! Costumes can be really expensive, especially in Bloomington, where you need to have three different costumes for each night of the weekend! I’ve put together a list of DIY costumes that are easy to make and won’t drain your bank account!
1) Dancing Girls Emoji

What you Need:
-Black leotard
-Black ribbon

This one is super easy to do; all you need to do is find someone to be the other dancing girl! And, of course, you have to take the iconic pic.

2) Greek Goddess

What you Need:
-White dress or bedsheet
-Tons of gold jewelry

I’m not sure how this would fair at the bars (wearing white is already scary), but it would be perfect for a Halloween party! You can either make a toga out of a bed sheet or wear a long white dress! All you have to do is accessorize with lots of gold jewelry and make sure to do a huge cat eye!
3) Hogwarts Student

What you Need:
-Grey skirt
-White collared shirt
-Sweater vest (opt)

This one may be a little harder to execute, but I’ve found many tutorials on how to make wands out of kabob sticks, hot glue, and paint. As for the tie, all you need is to find a tie with red and gold, yellow and black, blue and silver, or green and silver, depending on what house you’re in!
4) Rosie the Riveter

What you Need:
-Red bandana
-Red lipstick
-Denim shirt

Probably one of the easiest (and cutest) costumes! Throw your hair into a quick messy bun or chignon, tie a bandana on top, wear red lipstick, roll up your sleeve, and take the pic! Easy, classy, and cute!

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5) A Spy

What you Need:
-All black clothing
-Tall black boots

All you have to do for this costume is raid your closet of all your black clothes! Extra points if you can find some type of earpiece. And leather, of course.

That’s all for this week! Let me know in the comments if you plan on trying any of these costumes for Halloween! Happy costuming!

Until next time!

-Emiliana Maye 

Friday, September 30, 2016

Five Must-Try Restaurants in Bloomington

Get out your forks and knives; this week’s post is all about my top five favorite restaurants in Bloomington!

1) Feast
This place is amazing. My roommate and I come here all the time for brunch. This place serves a lot of organic foods and vegan options, if you are interested in that sort of thing. I strongly recommend their white chocolate mochas and macarons. SO GOOD. 

2) Scholar’s Inn 
Another brunch place! Can you tell what my favorite meal of the day is? I usually get their special with the traditional breakfast things: eggs, sausage, HASH BROWNS--

Let’s just pause a moment and talk about how much I love hash browns. They’re my favorite food. They really are. Hash browns are my raison d'être.
It's dancing! (Source)
 Hash browns make life worth living. Hash browns. I don't know what I would do without them. Mmm. Okay, now back to the list.

3) Cheddar’s
Cheddar’s is one of those places where you have to go at least once before leaving Bloomington. Of course, my hometown, Greenwood, has one now, but that’s besides the point! Cheddar’s drinks are really good; my roommate and I always get peach bellinis here. Also, their fish tacos are amazing!

4) Buffalouie’s
I feel like everyone who lives in Bloomington has been to Buffalouie’s at least once. Me? I’ve been many, many times just because of how good it is. Their wings are THE BEST. I think that Buffalouie’s was actually ranked as one of the top five best wings places in the country!

5) The Tap
A recent discovery! I just went here with my friends earlier in the week, and, wow, it was really good. I recommend the firecracker shrimp tacos (unless you’re my roommate or are allergic to fish and shellfish)!

And that’s it! Comment below if you’ve been to these places or plan to, and let me know what you think!

Until next time!

-Emiliana Maye 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Books = The Best Weapons in the World

Yet another nerdy post from Emiliana! But this one, I'd like to think, makes sense, since I'm an aspiring author. If you were looking for a new book to read, look no further! I've compiled a list of my very favorite books for this week's post! Let's take a look:

1) Dante’s Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri
As I’ve said before, I took a class last semester over Dante’s Divine Comedy and fell in love. Dante’s version of Hell was the first of its kind; no one had written about Hell so in depth before. He transformed the world with his masterpiece. I especially love how he put people from his time into Hell while they were still living. Imagine reading that an author put you in the Eighth Circle of Hell for simony! Oh, Dante.

2) The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald
I read this when I was a sophomore in high school, and I’m still in love with it. The ending is so beautifully tragic--so much drama!

3) The Harry Potter Series by JK Rowling
I feel like this is pretty obvious. So…if you haven’t read these, do it now. That is all. 

4) A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
I’ve read this book so many times, and it still makes me laugh out loud. The Improbability Drive is my favorite thing ever (though it may be tied with Deep Thought...42).

5) The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
My brother’s favorite book! He got me to read it over the summer, and wow. It’s the best revenge story I’ve ever read, for sure. Romance, mystery, revenge, what more could you want?

6) The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

I put this one last because this book is currently my favorite book of all time ever. EVER. It’s safe to say that Paula Hawkins is my new author role model. I bought this book on a Friday night around 7 pm, intending to read a little bit before getting ready for bed. Yeah, that didn’t go as planned. I read the entire thing in one sitting. THAT’S HOW GOOD IT IS. Everyone please please please read this!!!! You won’t regret it, I promise (Plus the movie adaptation comes out on October 7th, and it’s going to be amazing)!!!

That concludes my list! I would apologize for my aggression when talking about The Girl on the Train, but I'm actually not sorry at all. I can't tell you how much I loved that novel. It's my new goal in life to get as many people as I can to read it.

I know I've said this nearly every week, but I am still so close to the end of writing my book! It's a very bittersweet feeling...actually, no. There's nothing sweet about it; I'm going to be devastated when it's done! I know that I'll still have a lot of work to do afterwards, like editing, editing, editing...more editing. But it still makes me sad.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading this week's post! Let me know in the comments what you think of these books or if you plan on reading one of them!

Until next time!
-Emiliana Maye 

Friday, September 16, 2016

5 Haunted Places at Indiana University

In honor of going to a Horror Movie night this weekend, I thought it’d be fun to share some stories about various haunted places on Indiana University’s campus! I took a Supernatural Folklore class last semester and learned all about local haunts. I’m sure I’m not the only one fascinated with the idea of ghosts, so have fun reading and maybe even visiting some of these places (I’ve yet to see a real ghost, myself)!

1. Indiana Memorial Union
There are three known ghosts haunting the IMU. The first is this old janitor who used to clean around the Tree Suites. It’s said that you can find an old man cleaning away at night if you go into the Tree Suite hallway. 
The second ghost is a dog which roams the IMU grounds. I have no idea where it came from, but supposedly it runs around the Union. Reminds me of the Nancy Drew game, Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake.
The third isn’t really one ghost; it’s more of a bad feeling. Before IU offered counseling services, a lot of students used to commit suicide by jumping off the roof of the Union. Since then, IU offered CAPS and closed access to the roof. Supposedly, the roof is now haunted by all the poor students who took their lives up there.

2. Career Development Center
The old Career Development Center is also haunted. The building is now used for Folklore, I think. Girls used to go to the man who worked there to get illegal abortions. The man would abort the baby and then hide it in the wall (I’m kind of skeptical about the hiding babies in the walls part). Now, you can hear babies crying and scratching sounds coming from inside the walls. No thank you.

3. Read Dorm
This is the most confirmed and seen ghost at IU, for sure. Nearly everyone here has at least heard of the Read ghost. The story goes that she and her boyfriend were having an argument one night when he lost his temper and stabbed her to death. Now she haunts the floor in her blood-stained yellow dress, crying. I’ve read some stories of encounters with this ghost, and all of them are terrifying. I'm forever thankful that I lived in McNutt.

4. House on Walnut
During my folklore class, we got to go into the archives of the library and read accounts of different legends and hauntings around campus. The one I read involved a house on Walnut Street. A family used to live in that house: a mother, father, and little boy. One day, the little boy was playing with a red ball. It tumbled down the stairs, and he ran to chase after it. But he tripped and fell down the stairs, hitting his head and dying. Now, it’s said that the red ball still appears at the bottom of the stairs along with the sounds of someone falling down and crying. One can also hear and see the boy running around the house laughing. The house is now owned by a law firm and is used as their office. If I worked there, I would not work after dark.

5. IU Auditorium
It seems like most auditoriums are haunted; maybe there’s something “Phantom of the Opera” about having a theater ghost. Anyway, the story goes that there was this construction worker working on the lights above the stage. He fell off the scaffolding and plummeted to his death. Now, there’s a blood stain in the middle of the stage that never seems to go away, no matter how many times they’ve repainted or refinished the stage. I’m excited to say that I performed with my dance team on said haunted stage. I’m not going to lie; throughout the routine, I definitely watched the ground, trying to find that blood stain.

That’s all! If you want to read more about some of the stories listed here and more, here’s a cool article describing other legends:
In other news, this is my tenth post! Which means I've posted every week for ten weeks now! When I started this blog, I had no idea that I'd actually post every single week. I'm usually pretty bad at staying consistent with things like this. But somehow, I've managed to update every week! I just want to thank you all again for reading! Also, I just finished writing Chapter 40 earlier this week! I am so close to finishing; it's actually making me really sad. But once I finish, I'll finally post a summary of my novel, so everyone will finally know what it's about! 

Until next time!
-Emiliana Maye 

Friday, September 9, 2016

Better be...GRYFFINDOR!!!

The Myers-Briggs Test. You know, the one with all the different letters? You answer so many questions and get a four letter answer at the end that supposedly explains your personality? That test. For this post, I thought it’d be fun if I took the Myers-Briggs Test personalities and showed how they related to Hogwarts houses and Divergent factions! So, if you haven’t taken the Myers-Briggs Test, you can do it here: The test doesn’t take long, and it’s worth taking! At the end, it will provide a profile with descriptions of how you handle certain aspects of life like, relationships, friends, work, etc. Be sure to take it before going on! Or if you already know your type, go ahead and read on! 

There are 16 personality types in all. The first letter, I or E, represents Introverted or Extraverted. The second letter, N or S, represents Intuition or Sensing. The third, T or F, represents Thinking or Feeling. And the fourth, J or P, represents Judging or Perceiving. For example, my type is INFJ, which stands for Introverted, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging.

Now, comes the fun part. Click the gif below to be taken to a really cool post stating which MBTI personality type goes in which Hogwarts house!

If you’re not convinced this is your house, click the next gif to be taken to an in-depth quiz to find your Hogwarts house!

I’m a Ravenclaw, but my test results showed that I was 72% Slytherin and 64% Ravenclaw (Not quite sure how those percentages add up, but oh well!)! I’m not very surprised; sometimes I wonder if I could have been a Slytherin. But remember! The Sorting Hat takes what you want into account!

That’s all for this week! I’m super close to finishing my book; once I do, I’ll be posting a summary! I’m really excited to share what I’ve been working on since December, and I can’t wait to start on the editing/publishing process!

Until next time!
-Emiliana Maye 

Friday, September 2, 2016

Why can't it be fall yet?

September. It’s finally September! Time for apple picking, drinking hot chocolate, wearing sweaters and boots—oh, wait. It’s still 80 degrees outside.

I’m sure I’m not the only one disappointed that it isn’t 50 degrees outside yet. I just want to wear my leather jacket and boots! This week’s post is dedicated to that lovely season of leaves changing and the transition from getting iced drinks to getting hot drinks from Starbucks.

Since it isn’t fall yet, I’ve decided to make a list of things I absolutely love about my second favorite season.

1) Apple Picking
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Really just everything about apples. My roommate and I just talked about how much we love foods with apples in them: candy apples, apple pie, apple crumble, apple turnovers. And picking the apples is the beginning of it all! There’s nothing like riding in the back of the truck, driving through rows and rows of apple trees, stopping to pick as many as will fit in the little plastic bag. Apple picking is the true sign that it’s fall.

                                                                   2) Wearing Boots
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I have a bad addiction to buying boots. Every time I buy a new pair, I have to buy another pair that’s nearly identical but in a different color. And wearing boots just…feels right. Sure, I love my Converse and my gladiator sandals, but there’s something about wearing black knee-high boots. Maybe it’s because I feel like a spy?

3) Sweater Weather
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Now, I love summer clothes. I love the crop tops and the flowy tank tops, but…I live for wearing my leather jacket. In the summer, I always bring it home, hoping that it will be cold enough to wear it—it never is. It’s like an old friend; it makes me so sad to see it hanging in the closet, just waiting to be reunited with me. I can’t wait to put it on for the first time of the season (Can you tell I love my leather jacket?). Not to mention sweaters. Sweaters, boots, leggings, and my leather jacket and I’m set. I could wear fall clothes for the rest of my life and be happy.

                                                       4) The Changing Leaves
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Spring is my favorite season, but fall is my favorite season on campus. I love when the leaves change colors; I get to walk to class under a blanket of gorgeous crimsons, scarlets, and golds. Fall at Indiana University is absolutely beautiful. Whenever my roommate and I catch the first glimpse of a single leaf changing colors, we just look at each other in excitement. Plus, the sound of leaves crunching underfoot is one of my favorite sounds.

5) 50 Degree Days
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This kind of goes with my affinity for my leather jacket. I just want it to stop being hot so I can wear jeans again! I’m beyond tired of this humidity; there’s no humidity in fall! I can finally wear my hair down without fear of it growing ten times bigger over the course of the day.

                                      6) Comfort Foods
Sure, you can make pot roast or meatloaf at any time of the year, but there’s just something so amazing about sitting at the dinner table, eating warm pot roast after smelling it all day, while watching the leaves fall outside. My roommate and I have already discussed when we plan to make our first pot roast. Now, we just have to wait for it to get cold enough!

Well, that concludes my list! I'm suddenly wanting to turn up our A/C in our apartment just to make it feel like fall inside...

Anyway, thank you for reading! Writing this blog has been a lot of fun so far, and I want to thank everyone who has been reading up to this point! Once I finish writing my book (I'm actually pretty close to the end!), I'll start posting little excerpts, character profiles, and other things about my book; I know that I haven't really said what my book is about yet, but I'm planning to once I finish. All in due time! Until then, you get to read more of my random ramblings.

Thanks again for reading, and be sure to subscribe!

Until next time!

-Emiliana Maye 

Friday, August 26, 2016

Dream On

I’ve always been fascinated by dreams. It’s so amazing to me that our sub-conscience can create an entire world of impossibilities while we’re reenergizing for a new day. A couple years ago, I began keeping a dream journal; my dreams were always so odd and adventurous that I wanted to keep a record of them. Fast-forward to 5 years later, and I’ve gone through 1.75 journals. Writing my dreams down had a really interesting effect on me. When I go back and read my dreams, even the ones from five years ago, I find that I remember exactly what happened in the dream; I can picture it in my mind as clearly as I did the first night I had it.

Basically, I’m pretty into dreams.

So, this post is going to reflect that! I’ve put some tips for dreaming (for those who simply can’t seem to remember them when you wake up), tips for journaling those dreams, and a few interpretations of common objects and themes found in dreams. 

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It used to be believed that dreaming only occurred when you were in REM sleep, but this has been debunked. It is now found that dreams happen in all stages of sleep; however, the dreams had in REM sleep seem more realistic. Everyone has tons of dreams at night, though remember only a few or none at all. Here are some tips for remembering those adventures!

Get 8 hours of sleep.
I know. I get it. I’m in college; getting 8 hours of sleep? You might as well ask me to climb Mt. Everest. But it’s true. The more sleep you get, the more dreams you’ll remember.

Use your bed only for sleeping.
This one, too. Studying while sitting on my bed is so comfortable! But when you use your bed for anything other than sleep, your sub-conscience has a harder time sleeping when in the same space. Since the space has now been used for more than just sleep, it will be harder for the sub-conscience to associate the bed with sleeping. So, only sleep on your bed (I know. I’ll probably ignore this, too)!

Try to get all your sleep cycles in.
There’s actually a sleep calculator that, after you tell it what time you’re going to bed, tells you when to wake up so that you go through all your sleep cycles. Not only will this make you feel more awake—nothing is worse than having to wake up when you’re in the middle of deep sleep—but it will also help you to remember your dreams!

That's right, Elena. Write all about your dreams of your vampire boyfriends! (Image Source)
My favorite thing! A lot of my dreams have inspired some of the short stories I’ve written.

Write in present tense.
This is so important!!! In order to put yourself back in the dream, you have to write it in present tense. When doing so, you picture your dream occurring at the same time as you’re writing it. It’s like writing down a live stream of what’s happening right in front of you. When I first started dream journaling, I wrote in past tense. But once I switched to present tense, I found that I was able to remember more of what progressed in my dreams.

Write it down as soon as you can!
It’s no secret that dreams seem to fade from your mind as soon as you wake up. Therefore, it’s imperative that you write it down as soon as you possibly can before too much of the dream fades from your memory! I’ve even typed up my dreams before to write down later, since physically writing dreams takes a lot longer. But no one said a dream journal had to be in an actual journal! Yours could be on your computer if it’s easier for you to type it up!

Try to stay true to what happened.
I find myself almost convincing myself that certain things happened in my dreams without them actually occurring at all! It’s very hard to remember exactly what happened and not edit your dreams. If you had a dream about a woman named Patches (I did once) make sure to keep her name the same (even though it makes no sense).

This movie messed with my head way too much (Image from Inception).
I remember that I had a dream about umbrellas once; there were umbrellas strewn on the ground throughout my entire dream. As soon as I woke up, I immediately searched for what umbrellas mean in a dream. It turns out umbrellas equal emotional protection from disappointments, which I thought was pretty deep for seeing umbrellas while I was asleep (DreamBible.Com). Here are some of the more common objects and themes and what their presences in dreams mean (Meanings found at DreamBible.Com).

Being Chased
The rising terror bubbling in your throat as you can’t seem to run fast enough to get away from some unknown entity—we’ve all been there. And it’s terrifying. Especially when you feel like you’re running in slow motion. Being chased in a dream represents situations that you want to avoid or feel are impossible to overcome. DreamBible.Com says that it “may also reflect something you don’t want to acknowledge”—running from the truth, essentially (DreamBible.Com). All I know is that I wake up panting and scared.

Mm, the classic. Everyone has it. You’re going through your day when, all of a sudden, you look down and notice that you must have forgotten to put on clothes. Dreaming of being naked means that you may be feeling vulnerable. DreamBible suggests that an unexpected change might be causing you to feel like your private life is on display. So, basically exactly what you’d think. No clothes = no protection = vulnerability. It’s not fun.

I used to have dreams of going throughout my day at school; everything was completely normal…except I could fly. So, that was pretty fun. But dreaming of being at school usually represents social concerns or insecurities. It also may represent anxiety about how you’re perceived by others. DreamBible suggests that there may be something happening in your life that you’re sensitive about (DreamBible.Com). Sounds like high school to me.

I don’t usually dream of animals, personally, but when I do, they’re usually my pets who’ve turned into other animals! DreamBible says that to dream of animals represents parts of your personality based on the animal you see. They may also represent the untamed parts of yourself. If you’re fighting with an animal in your dream, it usually represents a part of yourself that you want or are trying to reject. Dreaming of a dead animal may reflect loss. Now that I think of it, I dreamt of a baby chick once—what does that say about my personality?

Unfortunately, I’ve frequently had dreams about loved ones dying. DreamBible says “To dream about death represents change” (DreamBible.Com). It says that something in your life is transforming either for the better or for the worse. A part of your life has come to a close, and things are changing. DreamBible also suggests that death could mean failure or an actual loss.

I actually haven’t had too many dreams with guns in them, thank goodness. The meanings of guns in dreams varies depending on who is wielding the weapon. For instance, if you dream you are holding the gun, it represents a decision you need to make. On the other hand, if you dream of someone else wielding the gun, it symbolizes a decision that embarrassed you, or a bad choice (DreamBible.Com). Dreaming of actually shooting someone bad represents a decision where you overcame negative thinking. Dreaming of shooting someone good represents giving into negative thinking.

My favorite! The feeling of flying high up in the clouds is the most euphoric feeling I’ve encountered—of course, I was sleeping, but still! Dreaming of flying represents feelings of freedom from restrictions. You feel like nothing can hold you back. DreamBible says that flying in your dream may be a reflection of creative freedom of expression in waking life or escaping a burden (DreamBible.Com). On the other hand, dreaming of flying may show that you enjoy running from your responsibilities.

And that’s it! If you’ve experienced a theme or object frequently in your dreams, and it’s not listed here, try DreamBible.Com! All you do is type in the keyword, and tons of results come up! What’s the strangest dream you’ve ever had? Tell me in the comments! Thank you for reading!

Until next time!

-Emiliana Maye 

Friday, August 19, 2016

Ten Signs You've Found the Perfect Roommate

It’s that time of year again. The time when you pack up all your things from home in preparation to move into your other home. It’s always bittersweet for me. I love living at home with my family during the summer and spending time with them. But I always find myself excited to move back to school and catch up with my friends. It feels like leading a double life; my life has been split in half. During the summer, I get to spend time with my family and high school friends, and during the school year, I get to spend time with my college friends. But this year is my senior year, and I’m bound and determined to make it the best year I’ve ever had! And already having the best roommate in the whole world, contributes significantly to my goal. So, this post is dedicated to my amazing roomie!

1) When you’re having a bad day, she surprises you with Baked! cookies.
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2) You both decide to hit the gym, determined to exercise…then promptly come home and make brownies because you both ‘earned them’.
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3) She shares her clothes when you’re having an outfit emergency.
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4) You do each other’s makeup because “I can’t do my eyeliner as well as you can!”
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5) You take millions of Buzzfeed quizzes and laugh at each other’s results.
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6) You design wedding rings and dresses and hope that you both find someone who can afford to pay $20,000 for an engagement ring (maybe that’s just us…).
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7) You have a chill night in, watch movies and drink wine, when you both don’t feel like going out.
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8) But when you do go out, you have just as much fun!
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9) You attempt to cook fancy meals and settle for mac and cheese when it doesn’t work. 
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10) You're always there for each other and are a shoulder to cry on, a partner to laugh with, and a best friend forever!
Ah, I’m going to miss my roomie so much after this year! What has your roomie done to make you sure that they’re a perfect roommate? Comment below! And be sure to subscribe!

Until next time!

-Emiliana Maye