Friday, October 14, 2016

A Little Life Update!

I am writing this in the cutest coffee shop I’ve ever been in ever. It’s a little shop in Brown County, and I am currently drinking Butterbeer. You could say I’m pretty much in Heaven right now.

Anyway, I thought I’d just give you guys an update on what’s been going on with me! Remember when I said I was almost done with my book? Yeah…I overlooked a HUGE part of my book and am frantically researching how to fix this humongous plot hole. Agghh, it’s so stressful! After I overcome this little snag, I’ll be back! Hopefully, I won’t run into any other problems (who am I kidding? Of course, I will; it’s just part of writing, I’ve learned). I’ll be coming up on a year writing my book this coming December, but I’m hoping (praying!) to be finished with the first draft by then. Of course, having all these midterm exams slapping me in the face has not helped with my writing schedule. I have to face the unfortunate truth that my classes have to be priority over my book (for now, mwahaha). Luckily, I only have one exam left, and then it’s back to focusing on my book!

If any of you are aspiring or accomplished writers, I’d love to hear any advice! I kind of have no idea what I’m doing in terms of what to do after I’ve finished editing my drafts and could really use some advice. Sometimes, Google just doesn’t cut it. Especially when it comes to what publishers to pursue and how to find your genre. So, I’m very open to anything you think I should know!

I wanted to say thank you, yet again, to those who have been following and reading my blog thus far. I wish I could start writing about my book in here--I created this blog for that sole purpose--but I've told myself I can't until I finish the first draft. Too many things change, and I'd like to have the whole story written out before I write about it. So, thank you for sticking by anyway! 

That's all that's been going on with me lately! Please comment below if you have advice for me, or feel free to message me via my Facebook page.

Until next time!
-Emiliana Maye 

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