Friday, September 9, 2016

Better be...GRYFFINDOR!!!

The Myers-Briggs Test. You know, the one with all the different letters? You answer so many questions and get a four letter answer at the end that supposedly explains your personality? That test. For this post, I thought it’d be fun if I took the Myers-Briggs Test personalities and showed how they related to Hogwarts houses and Divergent factions! So, if you haven’t taken the Myers-Briggs Test, you can do it here: The test doesn’t take long, and it’s worth taking! At the end, it will provide a profile with descriptions of how you handle certain aspects of life like, relationships, friends, work, etc. Be sure to take it before going on! Or if you already know your type, go ahead and read on! 

There are 16 personality types in all. The first letter, I or E, represents Introverted or Extraverted. The second letter, N or S, represents Intuition or Sensing. The third, T or F, represents Thinking or Feeling. And the fourth, J or P, represents Judging or Perceiving. For example, my type is INFJ, which stands for Introverted, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging.

Now, comes the fun part. Click the gif below to be taken to a really cool post stating which MBTI personality type goes in which Hogwarts house!

If you’re not convinced this is your house, click the next gif to be taken to an in-depth quiz to find your Hogwarts house!

I’m a Ravenclaw, but my test results showed that I was 72% Slytherin and 64% Ravenclaw (Not quite sure how those percentages add up, but oh well!)! I’m not very surprised; sometimes I wonder if I could have been a Slytherin. But remember! The Sorting Hat takes what you want into account!

That’s all for this week! I’m super close to finishing my book; once I do, I’ll be posting a summary! I’m really excited to share what I’ve been working on since December, and I can’t wait to start on the editing/publishing process!

Until next time!
-Emiliana Maye 

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