Friday, August 19, 2016

Ten Signs You've Found the Perfect Roommate

It’s that time of year again. The time when you pack up all your things from home in preparation to move into your other home. It’s always bittersweet for me. I love living at home with my family during the summer and spending time with them. But I always find myself excited to move back to school and catch up with my friends. It feels like leading a double life; my life has been split in half. During the summer, I get to spend time with my family and high school friends, and during the school year, I get to spend time with my college friends. But this year is my senior year, and I’m bound and determined to make it the best year I’ve ever had! And already having the best roommate in the whole world, contributes significantly to my goal. So, this post is dedicated to my amazing roomie!

1) When you’re having a bad day, she surprises you with Baked! cookies.
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2) You both decide to hit the gym, determined to exercise…then promptly come home and make brownies because you both ‘earned them’.
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3) She shares her clothes when you’re having an outfit emergency.
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4) You do each other’s makeup because “I can’t do my eyeliner as well as you can!”
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5) You take millions of Buzzfeed quizzes and laugh at each other’s results.
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6) You design wedding rings and dresses and hope that you both find someone who can afford to pay $20,000 for an engagement ring (maybe that’s just us…).
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7) You have a chill night in, watch movies and drink wine, when you both don’t feel like going out.
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8) But when you do go out, you have just as much fun!
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9) You attempt to cook fancy meals and settle for mac and cheese when it doesn’t work. 
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10) You're always there for each other and are a shoulder to cry on, a partner to laugh with, and a best friend forever!
Ah, I’m going to miss my roomie so much after this year! What has your roomie done to make you sure that they’re a perfect roommate? Comment below! And be sure to subscribe!

Until next time!

-Emiliana Maye 

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